Welcome to Strong Healthy Happy!

Strong Healthy Happy - Our Mission

Strong, Healthy, and Happy - a phrase I picked up while listening to an interview of the Iceman, Wim Hof. This became a mantra for me and I refer to it daily to help me identify and align my life with my passion, purpose, and values.

Anyone who hears that phrase may derive a different meaning. For me, it’s all about getting outside and being physically active. That is my foundation for a healthy and happy life. Everyday, I remind myself how fortunate I am to have my health and mobility. I am grateful to be able to run, ski, hike, cycle, and all the other amazing activities that I am privileged to do when my bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and all the things that comprise my musculoskeletal system, are healthy and functioning properly.

Musculoskeletal health

It’s no secret that being physically active has a profound positive impact on health & wellness. The scientific literature is full of evidence supporting the link between physical activity and physical health & performance, mental health & performance, depression, obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, and many more. While many of these benefits occur subconsciously due to our underlying physiology and biochemistry, many of us have developed a conscious appreciation for being physically active and a love for the activities that enable us to engage with the beautiful world around us.

At SHH, we understand how devastating it can be when our ability to live an active lifestyle is hampered by pain, injuries, and degenerative diseases. As we age, we face increasing resistance to living an active lifestyle, as our joints and muscles start to show the wear and tear of doing what we love for so many years. Our mission is to help you overcome that resistance so that you can be physically active, get outside and do the things you love, and live a Strong, Healthy, and Happy life.

Be sure to regularly check out the blog for new original content on how to identify, understand, and overcome common forms of resistance to living a physically active life, as well as links to other interesting content.

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